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  • Writer's picturePaul Snell

Is FOPO a thing in your life? I'm betting its is, read on.

If you are completely honest with yourself, you do care what other people think.

Are you tired of feeling anxious and afraid to express yourself?

If so, it could be because you're too worried about what other people think of you.

It's time to say goodbye to FOPO - the fear of other people's opinions!

When you worry too much about what others think, you lose sight of what makes you unique - your talents, beliefs, and values. You end up conforming to the crowd and playing it safe, even if it means giving up on your dreams.

FOPO is a natural part of the human condition, but it's time to take control of your thoughts and stop letting it control you.

Most of us go through life with a general sense of who we are, and, in a lot of circumstances, that’s enough.

We get by.

But if you want to be at your best while being less fearful of people’s opinions, you need to develop a stronger and much deeper sense of who you are.

Personal Philosophy

You can start by developing a personal philosophy — a word or phrase that expresses your basic beliefs and values.

Philosophy isn’t a platitude or slogan; it guides your actions thoughts and decisions based on your values and beliefs.

It reminds you who you really are and not just how you feel in that moment, FOPO has a way of dampening that awareness.

When coming up with a personal philosophy, ask yourself a series of questions:

- When I’m at my best, what beliefs lie just beneath the surface of my thoughts and actions?

- Who are people that demonstrate characteristics and qualities that are in alignment with mine?

- What are those qualities?

- What are your favourite quotes?

Once you’ve answered these questions, circle the words that stand out to you and cross out the ones that don’t.

Now come up with a phrase or sentence that lines up with exactly who you are and how you want to live your life.

Share the draft with someone you trust and ask for feedback and fine-tune where necessary.

Then, crucially, commit it to memory and return to it daily.

Having a personal philosophy is a powerful tool in your quest to overcome FOPO. It gives you clarity and helps you stay true to yourself, even in the face of criticism or doubt.

So start living in accordance with your philosophy - take risks, be yourself, and don't be afraid to express yourself. And when FOPO rears its ugly head, acknowledge it and reconnect with your philosophy and your larger goals.

So what are you waiting for?

It's time to let go of FOPO and start living your best life!


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