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  • Writer's picturePaul Snell

When 'how' and 'what' isn't enough to get you there what do you do?

When 'how' and 'what' aren't enough

OK, so sometimes when you’re overwhelmed with a goal that you’ve set whether it’s a weight loss or health goal, a promotion or business milestone, the limiting belief shows up as a ton of fear and anxiety about how on earth you’re going to get something done.

My clients often focus on the WHAT (I want to lose 10 lbs) and the HOW (I need to be better about my diet) but completely forget about WHY.

Knowing your 'why' is what will continually anchor your drive to succeed when things start to become difficult.

And let's be honest, anything worth having brings its challenges.

That's what will keep you motivated and help you push through any mental blocks and hurdles along the way.

Because once you know 'why' you’re doing something, it puts things in perspective.

The 'how' and the 'what' are always flexible if you think about it, you can always take a different route and try another approach.

Try these questions to help you figure out your ‘why’ in the context of something you want to achieve:

1. What makes this goal so important to you?

2. What will the outcomes be if you achieve this?

3. What will happen if you don’t?

4. Why is NOW the time?

Question number 4 is always a key question!

It isn't a question of some ethereal 'why', your 'why' has to be anchored in reality in the first place.

Losing 10lbs could be a stretch for you but when you look at the benefits of the outcome the 'why' is very clear and real.

To increase your chances of achieving your goals don't just rely on 'how' and 'what', drive the action you take by anchoring it with a 'why' and keep that 'why' tangible and real.


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