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  • Writer's picturePaul Snell

One of the greatest (and quickest) stress relief hacks

Why do I need to know about something called the Vagus nerve?

The Vagus nerve is the longest and, arguably, the most important nerve of the nervous system. Amongst other things, it handles the flight or fight response, the key instigator of the stress response.

The rate of activity of the Vagus nerve is known as vagal tone; a high tone promotes relaxation, lower heart rate and a dramatic reduction in the stress response.

Chronic stress, which is so common in modern life, can slowly disrupt our physical, cognitive, and mental health over a long period and it's devastating.

A low vagal tone will affect your immune system, your capacity to think clearly and your emotional management, amongst other things.

All of which directly impact your ability to function at your best in your business.

So what can you do to stimulate this Vagus nerve to help fight stress?

Have you ever noticed that your heartbeat speeds up when you breathe in and slows down when you breathe out?

It's the breathing out that lowers the heart rate and increases the vagal tone, the part of the vagus nerve that promotes de-stressing, relaxation and calm.

That is the key, a breathing technique that is simple to implement, fast to take effect and incredible at reducing stress in the moment and over the long term.

Here's what science tells us is the best way to breathe to initiate the best vagal tone:

Breathing at a slower rate than the normal resting breathing rate, which is typically around 12 breaths per minute (bpm) in healthy adults, can increase vagal tone, and support healthier stress and anxiety responses.

From extensive research, the best breathing rate to initiate the positive stress-calming response is 6 breaths per minute.

Make sure you exhale for at least 1 second longer than you inhale, remember its the exhaling where the magic happens.

Inhale for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 6, do this 6 times over a minute.

Just 1 minute of this is sufficient to decrease stress and anxiety in any given situation.

This is more commonly known as boxed breathing.

Quick and easy to do and yet the most effective way of reducing stress in under a minute. So remember...

Breathing in reduces vagal tone ---> increases heart rate (breath in for 4 seconds)

Breathing out increases vagal tone ---> decreases heart rate, brings about calm, reduces stress and anxiety (breath out for 6 seconds)

Do this 6 times a minute for maximum effect.


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